Novartis Patient Support is a comprehensive program that can help your eligible patients start and stay on treatment
Resources to help your patients get started on treatment
Novartis Patient Support can help support your patients every step of the way
Insurance Support
You can receive help navigating the insurance process, including benefits verification and support with the prior authorization and appeals processes.
When preparing a prior authorization (PA) submission, check that you have completed the health plan and/or state-specific PA form and attach relevant clinical documentation supporting treatment with FABHALTA (iptacopan). Please see the FABHALTA (iptacopan) PA and Appeals Kit for more information. Reach out to your dedicated Novartis Access and Reimbursement Team, to help understand plan requirements and coverage criteria.
Financial Support
Inform your eligible patients about Co-Pay Plus.* Privately insured patients may pay as little as $0 for FABHALTA (iptacopan).
Eligible patients can receive up to 12 months of FABHALTA (iptacopan) for free while coverage is pursued.†
Patients can sign up for the $0 Co-Pay Plus* offer:
*Co-Pay Plus: Limitations apply. Patients with commercial insurance coverage for FABHALTA may receive up to $20,000 in annual co-pay benefits for the cost of FABHALTA and up to $1,000 for qualifying vaccination costs (excluding administrative fees). Patient is responsible for any costs once limit is reached in a calendar year. Program not valid (i) under Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, VA, DoD, or any other federal or state health care program, (ii) where patient is not using insurance coverage at all, (iii) where the patient’s insurance plan reimburses for the entire cost of the drug, or (iv) where product is not covered by patient’s insurance. The value of this program is exclusively for the benefit of patients and is intended to be credited towards patient out-of-pocket obligations and maximums, including applicable co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles. Patient may not seek reimbursement for the value received from this program from other parties, including any health insurance program or plan, flexible spending account, or health care savings account. Patient is responsible for complying with any applicable limitations and requirements of their health plan related to the use of the Program. Valid only in the United States, Puerto Rico, and select territories. Void where prohibited by law. Additional restrictions may apply. This Program is not health insurance. Program may not be combined with any third-party rebate, coupon, or offer. Proof of purchase may be required. Novartis reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend the Program and discontinue support at any time without notice.
†Bridge Program: Limitations apply. Patients with commercial insurance, a valid prescription for FABHALTA, and a denial of insurance coverage based on a prior authorization requirement may receive a monthly maintenance dose for up to 12 months or until insurance coverage approval, whichever occurs first. Not available to patients whose medications are reimbursed in whole or in part by Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, VA, DoD or any other federal or state program, or where prohibited by law. A prior authorization and/or appeal of coverage denial must be submitted within 90 days to remain in the program. No purchase necessary. Program is not health insurance, nor is participation a guarantee of insurance coverage. Additional restrictions may apply. Novartis reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this Program without notice.
Vaccination Support
Our dedicated Novartis Patient Support team offers support to help your patients locate vaccinations.
You can opt-in to Vaccination Support on the FABHALTA (iptacopan) Start Form to further understand what your patient may be eligible for with a dedicated Novartis Patient Support team.
Vaccination Support Terms and Conditions limitations apply. Please contact Novartis Patient Support at 1-833-99FABHA (1-833-993-2242) Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM-8:00 PM ET, excluding holidays for more information.
Ongoing Support
Novartis Patient Support provides patients with ongoing help to start, stay, and save on their FABHALTA (iptacopan) treatment plan, including:
- Information on financial support options
- Help navigating health care changes
- Tips for setting up a routine that can help patients stay on track with their medication dosing
- Resources about living with their condition, taking FABHALTA (iptacopan), and finding supportive communities
- Support to answer lifestyle questions
3 Steps for Getting Patients Started With Novartis Patient Support
Patients can visit support.fabhalta.com to learn more and take the next steps to get started on FABHALTA.
Discover what FABHALTA could do for your patients